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Τμήμα Επιστήμης Διαιτολογίας - Διατροφής Alcohol Studies Database: (1987 - present) contains over 70,000 records of journal articles, books, book chapters, dissertations, conference papers, and audio-visual materials relating to alcohol studies.
Anthropological Index of the Royal Anthropological Institute: (1957 - present). Free version of the Anthropological Literature based  on the holdings of the Anthropology  Library at the British Library. This database is also part of the  Anthropology Plus database.
Bioline International Provides access to some 35 peer-reviewd journals from Brazil, Cuba, India, Indonesia, Kenya, South Africa, Uganda, Zimbabwe and more in the areas of health (tropical medicine, infectious diseases, epidemiology, emerging new diseases),  biodiversity, the environment, conservation and international development.
ChemFinder: A database of chemical compounds including their chemical structures, physical properties and links to other websites for further information.
ChemIDplus: A database of chemical compounds including chemical name, formula and properties. Results include basic information pertaining to the compound, 2D and 3D structures, as well as links to relevant journal articles. Another feature of the database is the SuperList, which provides information on whether the chemical substances is on federal and state regulatory agency lists.
Ecotoc Database: provides single chemical toxicity information for aquatic and terrestrial life.
Hazardous Substances Data Bank (HSDB): Includes data on the toxicology of potentially hazardous chemicals. Data covers human exposure, industrial hygiene, emergency handling procedures, environmental fate, regulatory requirements, properties, laboratory methods, and more. All data are referenced and derived from books, government documents, technical reports and selected primary journal literature.
IndMed: (1985 - present) contains bibliographic records of Indian journal articles to biomedical research and health care.
International Bibliographic Information on Dietary Supplements (IBIDS)  Database
Smoking and Health Database: (1969 - present) Contains more than 62,000 abstracts of journal articles, books and book chapters, dissertations, reports, conference proceedings and conference papers, government documents, policy or legal documents, editorials, letters, and comments on articles related to the scientific, medical, technical, policy, behavioral, legal, and historical literature related to smoking and tobacco use and its effect on health.
Τμήμα Οικιακής Οικονομίας  & Οικολογίας EconBiz: (2002 - present) A database resources in business and economics cataloged by the German National Library for Economics and the University and City Library of Cologne. Useful for locating economic statistics and working papers.
Feminae: Medieval Women and Gender Index. (1992 - present) Covers journal articles, book reviews, and essays in books about women, sexuality, and gender during the Middle Ages. Among the broad subjects Covered are women in art, women in religion, marriage, sexuality and family.
IDEAS: Economics and Finance Research. (1995 - present) A free bibliographic database on economics. Offering citations to thousands of full-text working papers, books and book chapters, and articles from peer-reviewed journals.
Energy Citations Database: (1948 - present) Indexes energy-related technical reports, conference papers, journal articles, books, dissertations and patents sponsored by the Department of Energy (DOE) and its predecessors, the Energy Research and Development Administration (ERDA) and the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC). Relates to the print equivalent Nuclear Science Abstracts.
Population Index: (1986-2000) Indexes research in population and demographic studies, including an annotated bibliography of recently published books, journal articles, working papers, and other material on population topics. Covers the same years as the print equivalent, Population Index.
PrimateLit: (1940-present) Citations in all areas of non human primate research worldwide. Includes references to journal articles, books, book chapters, abstracts, technical reports, and dissertations.Subject areas include: behaviour, colony management, ecology, reproduction, field studies, disease models, veterinary science, psychology, physiology, pharmacology, evolution, taxonomy, developmental and molecular biology, genetics and zoogeography.
Toxline via National Library of Medicine's TOXNET: (1900 - present) Indexes journals, monographs, technical reports, theses, letters, meeting abstracts, conference papers, and reports in all areas of toxicology, including chemicals and pharmaceuticals, pesticides, environmental pollutants, and mutagens and teratogens. Produced by the US National Library of Medicine, information is drawn from a number of sources including Toxicity Bibliography and Developmental and Reproductive Toxicology.
TRIS Online. Indexes over 470 journals, books, conferences and technical reports related to all modes and disciplines of transportation.
ViVa: International, multilingual bibliography of women's and gender history.
CiteSeerX: Scientific literature digital library and search engine that focuses primarily on the literature in computer and information science. Indexes full-text computer science articles, papers, and technical reports that are freely available on the web.
DBLP Computer Science Bibliography: Provides bibliographic information on major computer science journals and proceedings. Initially focused on database systems and logic programming, it is gradually being expanded toward other fields of computer science.
Scottish Palaeoecological Archive Database (SPA Database)
Scottish Wetlands Archaeological Database (SWAD) is an Historic Scotland
Ξένες Γλώσσες BL Online: (1993 - present) Indexes more than 2000 periodicals journal articles, books, dissertations, bibliographies and proceedings worldwide related to all aspects of linguistics and all languages of the world. There is a delay of several years in adding new entries.
Ethnologue: Languages of the World. The Ethnologue is a catalogue of more than 6,700 languages spoken in 228 countries. The Ethnologue Name Index lists over 39,000 language names, dialect names, and alternate names. The Ethnologue Language Family Index organizes languages according to language families.
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